Rectangular Mild Steel Pipes and Their Applications
Mild Steel Pipes or MS Pipes are the category of steel tubes that can be used for structural and industrial construction. Unlike the PVC pipes, which are used in plumbing functions and can be seen in day-to-day construction; MS pipe is a type of raw material that goes inside a construction. Thereby, giving it support and strength. There are three main types of MS pipes round, rectangular, and square pipes. These come in a variety of sizes and have almost the same applications. However, the rectangular MS pipe is the most demanded one out of all. The related reasons are listed below.
Types of Mild Steel Pipes: Square, Round, and Rectangular
The above figure showcases three types of MS Pipes and Tubes. The square and the round pipes have dimensions ranging from 15mm to 500mm. These are generally manufactured by companies like Apollo and Jindal. Meanwhile, the size of rectangular MS pipe starts from 15*25mm and goes till 400*200 mm. Due to its high range of sizes, rectangular MS Pipe is demanded in larger quantities than the other two pipes. The shapes of these pipes are directly related to their uses in construction projects. As far as their availability is concerned, Goyal Steel Tubes, one of the oldest dealers of MS Pipes and Tubes, located in Pipe Market, near Ghaziabad, has one of the finest varieties of rectangular pipes in the entire market. Their catalog can be viewed at www.goyalsteeltubes.com or can be asked on WhatsApp number 9650705448.
The Applications of Widely Used Rectangular Pipes
All types of MS Pipes are used for construction or for making industrial structures. The most common applications include road sign boards, foot-over bridges, toll plazas, buildings, street lights, transport vehicle bodies, etc. Different shapes are used in making these things. However, as said earlier, rectangular pipes are most demanded in the market as their applications are wider than others. The small sizes of rectangular MS Pipes are generally used for making school benches or other table chairs like park benches, swings for children, bus seats, etc. Meanwhile, the bigger sizes of rectangular MS pipes are used for the construction of foot-over bridges and structural sheds. Additionally, the warehouses, where the companies keep their goods are also made up of rectangular MS pipes and tubes. The slabs in these warehouses that separate one section from the other are all made up of rectangular MS pipes and tubes. Thus, applications of rectangular mild steel pipes differ as per their use and type of project.
It is concluded that rectangular MS pipes have a higher demand in the market than round and square pipes because their size range is wider than the latter. Also, the uses of rectangular pipes vary from small projects like making school benches to bigger projects like constructing the foot-over bridge. The applications can vary widely; however, dealers of such pipes are limited. So, the best, oldest, and most trustworthy dealer like Goyal Steel Tubes must be approached to buy such pipes.